Label | Description |
R1-R8 | R1-R8 are silicon strip detectors, each with a surface area of 4x8 centimeters. Each detector has 28 position sensitive strips 2mm wide. These detectors also give an energy signal. They are used to provide a coincidence with a forward going elastically scattered proton. |
S1-S4 | S1-S4 are four plastic scintillators placed symmetrically around the Phi = 45,135,225 and 315 degree points. Each detector covers scattering angles from 30 to 60 degrees in the lab. This set of detectors is used in conjunction with the XY wire chamber to measure pp elastic scattering at lab angles near 45 degrees. |
XY,UV | XY and UV are our wire chambers. The UV chamber is rotated 45 degrees relative to the XY chamber to resolve the "left-right" ambiguity of wire hits in a single chamber. These two chambers are used to reconstruct the flight path of reaction protons so that their scattering angles can be determined. |
E,K | E and K are segmented plastic scintillators. They have two functions. First, they are used to measure the energy of the reaction protons and second they are used in the trigger to enforce an "opposite side requirement" on allowed events, meaning that an event must fire a silicon detector and one of the E/K segments on the opposite side of the beam. This requirement reduces background levels significantly. |