Picture shows the event distribution in our wire chambers

Conference Contributions by members of the PinTeX Collaboration

Polarization Observables in pd-Breakup, T.J. Whitaker et al.
DNP Fall Meeting, Oct. 9 – 12, 2002, East Lansing, MI

Study of Heavy Meson Production with a Polarized Internal Gas Target at COSY, P. Lenisa, M. Dueren, P. Jansen, F. Klehr, S. Martin, H.O. Meyer, F. Rathmann, K. Rith, H. Seyfarth, E. Steffens and H. Stroeher.
First Summerschool and workshop on Cosy Physics, Aug. 30 – Sept. 4, 2002, Juelich, Germany

Spin Observables in pd-elastic scattering as a probe of the three-nucleon force, P. Thoerngren-Engblom et al.
Int. Conf. on Nuclear Physics with Storage Rings (STORI02), June 16-20, 2002, Uppsala, Sweden

Nuclear Polarization of Molecular Hydrogen, F. Rathmann et al.
Spring meeting of the German Physical Society, March 11-15, 2002, Muenster, Germany

Complete Set of Polarization Observables, in pp>pppi0, H.O. Meyer et al.
DNP meeting of the APS, October 17-20, Maui, Hawaii

Vector and Tensor Polarized Internal Gas Target, J. Balewski et al.
DNP meeting of the APS, October 17-20, Maui, Hawaii

Spin parameters at 375 and 400 MeV with neutron and proton detection in pp -> pn pi+ , Swapan K. Saha et al. et al.
April Meeting of the American Physical Society, Long Beach, April 29 - May 2, 2000

Study of pp -> pn pi+ with longitudinally polarized beam and target from 325 to 400 MeV, W.W. Daehnick et al. et al.
April Meeting of the American Physical Society, Long Beach, April 29 - May 2, 2000

Observation of a large longitudinal analyzing power in a nuclear reaction, H.O. Meyer et al.
April Meeting of the American Physical Society, Long Beach, April 29 - May 2, 2000

Polarization of H2 from recombination of polarized H-atoms T. Wise et al.
April Meeting of the American Physical Society, Long Beach, April 29 - May 2, 2000

Background studies with internal storage cell targets B. v. Przewoski et al.
Fall Meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics of the American Physical Society, Asilomar, October 21-23, 1999

Polarization of molecular hydrogen A. Wellinghausen et al.
Fall Meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics of the American Physical Society, Asilomar, October 21-23, 1999

Spin Correlation Coefficients in pp-->pnPi+ from 325 to 400 MeV, Swapan K. Saha et al.
4th Int. Conf. On Nuclear Physics at Storage Rings (STORI99), Bloomington, IN, September 12-16, 1999

Partial wave contributions in the reaction pp->pppi0 near threshold P. Thörngren-Engblom, et al.,
PANIC, Uppsala, Sweden, June 10-16, 1999.

Amplitude decomposition of the pp->pppi0 Reaction J.T. Balewski et al.,
Spring Meeting of the American Physical Society, Atlanta, March 1999.

Measurement of the nuclear polarization of molecular hydrogen formed by recombination of polarized atoms in a storage cell. F. Rathmann et al.,
Spring Meeting of the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, Dresden, March 20-24, 1999.

Longitudinal Spin Correlation Coefficient Azz in pp elastic scattering at 200 MeV B. Lorentz et al.
Polarization Observables in Pion Production P. Thörngren-Engblom, et al.
Analyzing Power and Spin Parameters at 350, 375, and 400 MeV in pp -> pn pi+ S.K. Saha et al.
Spin Correlation Coefficients at 350, 375, and 400 MeV in pp -> d pi+ B. v. Przewoski et al.
Partial-Wave Analysis of Near-Threshold Pion Production in pp Collisions H.O. Meyer et al.
Fall Meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics of the American Physical Society, Santa Fe, October 28-30, 1998

Polarization Observables of pp -> pp pi0 Near Threshold P. Thörngren Engblom
Contribution to Int. Conf. on Mesons and Light Nuclei Prague-Pruhonice, Czech Republic, Aug 31 - Sep 4 1998, World Scientific, submitted.

Measurements of Spin Correlation Coefficients in pd Elastic Scattering with an Internal Target F. Sperisen et al.
Analyzing Power in pp -> pn pi+ S.K. Saha et al.
Spin-Dependent total Cross Section of the Reaction pp -> pp pi0 T. Rinckel et al.
Measurements of Spin Correlation Coefficients in pp Elastic Scattering between 200 and 450 MeV B. Lorentz et al.
Spring Meeting of the American Physical Society, Columbus, OH, Apr 18-21, 1998

Measurements of Spin Correlation Coefficients in pp Elastic Scattering between 200 and 450 MeV: Analysis, Results and Comparison to Theory F. Rathmann et al., Spring Meeting of the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, Bochum, March 16-20, 1998

Novel Polarization Measurements at IUCF: Recent Work and Future Plans of the PINTEX Collaboration Paul V. Pancella for the PINTEX collaboration, 7th International Workshop on Polarized Gas Targets and Polarized Beams, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign August 18-22, 1997, to be published in AIP Conference Proceedings February 1998

Measurements of Spin Correlation Coefficients in pp Elastic Scattering between 200 and 450 MeV: Analysis, Results and Comparison to Theory, F. Rathmann et al.
Spin-Dependent Cross Sections in Pion Production, B. v.Przewoski et al.
Production of a 200 MeV Longitudinally Polarized Beam in a Storage Ring, B. Lorentz et al.
Spring Meeting of the American Physical Society, Washington, DC, April 1997

Measurement of Spin Correlation Coefficients in pp Elastic Scattering using a Storage Ring with Polarized Beam and Polarized Internal Hydrogen Target F. Rathmann, W. Haeberli, B. Lorentz, T. Wise, W.A. Dezarn, J. Doskow, M. Dzemidzic, J.G. Hardie, H.O Meyer, R.E. Pollock, B. von Przewoski, T. Rinckel, F. Sperisen and P.V. Pancella, 12th Int. Symposium on High-Energy Spin Physics (SPIN96), (Amsterdam 1996) C.W. de Jager et al, eds, World Scientific (Singapore 1997), p. 525

Calibration of the Polarization of a Beam of Arbitrary Energy in a Storage Ring W.A. Dezarn,J. Doskow, M. Dzemidzic, W. Haeberli, J.G. Hardie, B. Lorentz, H.O Meyer, P.V. Pancella,R.E. Pollock , B.v. Przewoski, F. Rathmann, T. Rinckel, F. Sperisen and T. Wise, 12th Int. Symposium on High-Energy Spin Physics (SPIN96), (Amsterdam 1996) C.W. de Jager et al, eds, World Scientific (Singapore 1997), p. 513

Calibration of the polarization of a beam of arbitrary energy in a storage ring B.v.Przewoski contributed talk at the 12th international symposium on high energy spin physics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Sep 10-14, 1996

Measurement of Azz in p-p elastic scattering with a longitudinally polarized beam in the Indiana Cooler B. Lorentz, W. Haeberli, F. Rathmann, T. Wise, W.A. Dezarn, M. Dzemidzic, J. Doskow, J.G. Hardie, H.O Meyer, R.E. Pollock, B.v. Przewoski, T. Rinckel, F. Sperisen and P.V. Pancella, 12th Int. Symposium on High-Energy Spin Physics (SPIN96), (Amsterdam 1996) C.W. de Jager et al, eds, World Scientific (Singapore 1997), p. 426

Aspects of the Design of the Polarized H / D Internal Gas Target Storage Cell for the HERMES Experiment at HERA J. Stewart, G. Court, W. Haeberli, J. Morton, H. Tallini, T. Wise and K. Zapfe-Dueren, In "Polarized Beams and Polarized Gas Targets" -Proceedings of the Koln Conference, 1995. H. Paetz gen. Schiek and L. Sydov, eds. World Scientific (Singapore 1996), p. 408.

Event Reconstruction for an Extended Internal Polarized Gas Target, Including Beam Position Analysis and Vertex Determination F. Rathmann,B. Lorentz, T. Wise, W. Haeberli, W.A. Dezarn, J. Doskow, J.G. Hardie, H.O. Meyer, R.E. Pollock, B.v. Przewoski, T. Rinkel, F. Sperisen, P.V. Pancella, In "Polarized Beams and Polarized Gas Targets" - Proceedings of the Koln Conference, 1995. H. Paetz gen. Schiek and L. Sydov, eds. World Scientific (Singapore 1996), p. 376

Background Investigation with the Polarized Internal Hydrogen Target at IUCF B. Lorentz, W. Haeberli, F. Rathmann, T. Wise, W.A. Dezarn, J. Doskow, J.G. Hardie, H.O. Meyer, R.E. Pollock, B.v. Przewoski, T. Rinkel, F. Sperisen and P.V. Pancella, in "Polarized Beams and Polarized Gas Targets" - Proceedings of the Koln Conference, 1995. H. Paetz gen. Schiek and L. Sydov, eds. World Scientific (Singapore 1996), p. 371

Fabrication and Performance of a Thin-Walled Internal Polarized-Gas Target W.A. Dezarn, J. Doskow, J.G. Hardie, W.R. Lozowski, H.O. Meyer, R.E. Pollock, B.v. Przewoski, T. Rinkel, F. Sperisen, W. Haeberli, B. Lorentz, F. Rathmann, T. Wise, P.V. Pancella, in "Polarized Beams and Polarized Gas Targets" - Proceedings of the Koln Conference, 1995. H. Paetz gen. Schiek and L. Sydov, eds. World Scientific (Singapore 1996), p. 366

Experiments with Accelerated Polarized Beams at IUCF J.G. Hardie, W.A. Dezarn, J. Doskow, M. Dzemidzic, H.O. Meyer, R.E. Pollock, B. von Przewoski, T. Rinckel, F. Sperisen, W. Haeberli, B. Lorentz, F. Rathmann, T. Wise, and P.V. Pancella. Spring Meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics, American Physical Society, May 3-5, 1996, Indianapolis, IN

Measurement of the Energy Dependence of Spin Correlation Coefficients in pp Elastic Scattering with the Indiana Cooler B. von Przewoski, W.A. Dezarn, J. Doskow, M. Dzemidzic, J.G. Hardie, H.O. Meyer, R.E. Pollock, T. Rinckel, F. Sperisen, W. Haeberli, B. Lorentz, F. Rathmann, T. Wise, and P.V. Pancella. Spring Meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics, American Physical Society, May 3-5, 1996, Indianapolis, IN

Spin Correlation Measurements in pp Scattering at 197.8 MeV: Results and Analysis F. Rathmann, W. Haeberli, B. Lorentz, T. Wise, W.A. Dezarn, J. Doskow, J.G. Hardie, H.O. Meyer, R.E. Pollock, B. von Przewoski, T. Rinckel, F. Sperisen, and P.V. Pancella. Spring Meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics, American Physical Society, May 3-5, 1996, Indianapolis, IN

A Measurement of Spin Correlation Coefficients in pp Elastic Scattering at Energies between 200 and 450 MeV at the Indiana Cooler B. von Przewoski for the PINTEX Collaboration APS Div. of Nucl. Phys. Fall meeting, Bloomington, IN , October 26-28, 1995

Towards Longitudinal Beam Polarizationin the Indiana Cooler F. Sperisen (for the PINTEX collaboration). Fall Meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics, American Physical Society, Oct. 25-28, 1995, Bloomington, IN

Polarized Internal Gas Target for Hydrogen and Deuterium at the IUCF Cooler Ring W.A. Dezarn, J. Doskow, J.G. Hardie, H.O. Meyer, R.E. Pollock, B. von Przewoski, T. Rinckel, F. Sperisen, W. Haeberli, B. Lorentz, F. Rathmann, M.A. Ross, T. Wise, and P.V. Pancella; 17th World Conference of the Int Nuclear target Development Society, Bloomington, IN Oct. 17-21, 1994.

Towards Longitudinal Beam Polarization in the IUCF Cooler H.O. Meyer, W.A. Dezarn, J. Doskow, J.G. Hardie, R.E. Pollock, B. von Przewoski, T. Rinckel, F. Sperisen, W. Haeberli, B. Lorentz, F. Rathmann, M.A. Ross, T. Wise, and P.V. Pancella; 8th Int. Symp. on Polarization Phenomena in Nuclear Physics, Sept 15-22, 1994, Bloomington, IN, AIP Conf. Proc. 339, eds. E.J. Stephenson and S.E. Vigdor

Technique for making Spin Correlation Measurements at the IUCF Cooler T. Rinckel, W.A. Dezarn, J. Doskow, J.G. Hardie, H.O. Meyer, R.E. Pollock, B. von Przewoski, F. Sperisen, W. Haeberli, B. Lorentz, F. Rathmann, M.A. Ross, T. Wise, and P.V. Pancella; 8th Int. Symp. on Polarization Phenomena in Nuclear Physics, Sept 15-22, 1994, Bloomington, IN, AIP Conf. Proc. 339, eds. E.J. Stephenson and S.E. Vigdor

Spin Correlation Coefficients in pp Elastic scattering at 200 MeV W.A. Dezarn, J. Doskow, J.G. Hardie, H.O. Meyer, R.E. Pollock, B. von Przewoski, T. Rinckel, F. Sperisen, W. Haeberli, B. Lorentz, F. Rathmann, M.A. Ross, T. Wise, and P.V. Pancella; 8th Int. Symp. on Polarization Phenomena in Nuclear Physics, Sept 15-22, 1994, Bloomington, IN, AIP Conf. Proc. 339, eds. E.J. Stephenson and S.E. Vigdor

Spin-Polarized Internal Gas Target for Hydrogen and Deuterium at the IUCF Cooler Ring T. Wise, W. Haeberli, B. Lorentz, F. Rathmann, M.A. Ross, W.A. Dezarn, J. Doskow, J.G. Hardie, H.O. Meyer, R.E. Pollock, B. von Przewoski, T. Rinckel, F. Sperisen, and P.V. Pancella, 8th Int. Symp. on Polarization Phenomena in Nuclear Physics, Sept 15-22, 1994, Bloomington, IN, AIP Conf. Proc. 339, eds. E.J. Stephenson and S.E. Vigdor

Spin correlation coefficients in pp scattering at 200 MeV B.v. Przewoski, W.A. Dezarn, J. Doskow, H.O. Meyer, R.E. Pollock, T. Rinckel, F. Sperisen, M.A. Ross, T. Wise, W. Haeberli, P.V. Pancella, Spring Meeting of the American Physical Society, Crystal City, VA, April 18-22, 1994.

First Test of an Internal Polarized Hydrogen Gas Target in the Indiana Storage Ring T. Wise, M.A. Ross , W. Haeberli, W.A. Dezarn, J. Doskow, H.O. Meyer, R.E. Pollock, B. von Przewoski, T. Rinckel, F. Sperisen, P.V. Pancella, Spring Meeting of the American Physical Society, Crystal City, VA, April 18-22, 1994.

Polarization Measurements of a Hydrogen Storage Cell Target M.A. Ross, W. Haeberli, A.D. Roberts, T. Wise, W.A. Dezarn, J. Doskow, H.O. Meyer, R.E. Pollock, B. v.Przewoski, T. Rinckel, F. Sperisen and P.V. Pancella, APS Spring Meeting, Washington, April 12-15, 1993.

PP Spin Correlation Measurements in a Proton Storage Ring M.A. Ross, P. Elmer, W. Haeberli, W.K. Pitts, A.D. Roberts, T. Wise, J. Doskow, H.O. Meyer, R.E. Pollock, B. von Przewoski, T. Rinckel, F. Sperisen and P.V. Pancella, Nuclear Physics Division of the American Physical Society Meeting, Santa Fe, October 14-17, 1992, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 37 (1992) 1306.

Last modified: May 18, 2000 by B. v. Przewoski