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PINTEX Journal articles

(most recent on top)

Axial observables in dp breakup and the three-nucleon force , H.O. Meyer, T.J. Whitaker, R.E. Pollock, B. von Przewoski, T. Rinckel, J. Doskow, J. Kuros-Zolnierczuk, P.V. Pancella, T. Wise, P. Thorngren-Engblom, B. Lorentz, F. Rathmann, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 112502 (2004)

Analyzing Powers and Spin Correlation Coefficients for p+d Elastic Scattering at 135 and 200 MeV , B. v.Przewoski, H.O. Meyer, J.T. Balewski, W.W. Daehnick, J. Doskow, W. Haeberli, R. Ibald, B. Lorentz, R.E. Pollock, P.V. Pancella, F. Rathmann, T. Rinckel, Swapan K. Saha, B. Schwartz, P. Thörngren-Engblom, A. Wellinghausen, T.J. Whitaker, and T. Wise, Phys. Rev. C74 064003 (2006)

Vector- and tensor polarization lifetimes for a stored deuteron beam , B. v.Przewoski, V.A. Anferov, H.O. Meyer, P. Schwandt, E.J. Stephenson, V.S. Morozov, Z.B. Etienne, M.C. Kandes, M.A. Leonova, D.W. Sivers and K. Yonehara, Phys. Rev. E68, 046501 (2003)

Spin exchange in polarized deuterium , B. v.Przewoski, H.O. Meyer, J. Balewski, W.W. Daehnick, J. Doskow, W. Haeberli, R. Ibald, B. Lorentz, P.V. Pancella, R.E. Pollock, F. Rathmann, T. Rinckel, Swapan K. Saha, B. Schwartz, P. Thörngren Engblom, A. Wellinghausen, T.J. Whitaker, T. Wise, Phys. Rev. A68, 042705 (2003)

Polarization Experiments with Storage Rings , H.O. Meyer, Physica Scripta T104, 19 (2003)

Spin correlations in pp>pnpi+ pion production near threshold , W.W. Daehnick, Swapan K. Saha, R.W. Flammang, H.O. Meyer, J. Balewski, R.E. Pollock, B. v. Przewoski, B. Lorentz, F. Rathmann, B. Schwartz, T. Wise and P.V. Pancella, Phys. Rev. C65, 024003 (2002)

Nuclear Polarization of Hydrogen Molecules from Recombination of Polarized Atoms , T. Wise, W. Haeberli, B. Lorentz, P.A. Quin, F. Rathmann, B. Schwartz, T.G. Walker, A. Wellinghausen, J.T. Balewski, J. Doskow, H.O. Meyer, R.E. Pollock, B. v. Przewoski, T. Rinckel, Swapan K. Saha, and P.V. Pancella, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 042701 (2001)

Complete Set of Polarization Observables in pp>pppi0 close to Threshold , H.O. Meyer, A. Wellinghausen, J.T. Balewski, J. Doskow, R.E. Pollock, B. v. Przewoski, T. Rinckel, L.D. Knutson, W. Haeberli, B. Lorentz, F. Rathmann, B. Schwartz, T. Wise, W.W. Daehnick, Swapan K. Saha, and P.V. Pancella, Phys. Rev. C63, 064002 (2001)

The Search for a Three-Nucleon Force in Polarization Experiments with a Storage Ring , H.O. Meyer, Nucl. Phys. News 11/No.2, 15 (2001)

Observation of a Large Longitudinal Analyzing Power in a Nuclear Reaction H.O. Meyer, L.D. Knutson, J.T. Balewski, W.W. Daehnick, J. Doskow, W. Haeberli, B. Lorentz, P.V. Pancella, R.E. Pollock, B. v.Przewoski, F. Rathmann, T. Rinckel, Swapan K. Saha, B. Schwartz, P. Thörngren--Engblom, A. Wellinghausen, T. Wise, Phys. Lett. B480, 7 (2000)

Measurement of Spin Correlation Coefficients in pp -> dPi+ B. v. Przewoski, J.T. Balewski, J. Doskow, H.O. Meyer, R.E. Pollock, T. Rinckel, P. Thörngren--Engblom, A. Wellinghausen, W. Haeberli, B. Lorentz, F. Rathmann, B. Schwartz and T. Wise, W.W. Daehnick, Swapan K. Saha, P.V. Pancella, Phys. Rev. C61, 064604 (2000)

Angular distribution of the longitudinal pp spin correlation parameter Azz at 197.4 MeV B. Lorentz, W. Haeberli, F. Rathmann, T. Wise, J. Doskow, H. O. Meyer, R.E. Pollock, B. v. Przewoski, T. Rinckel, F.Sperisen, P.V. Pancella, Phys. Rev. C61, 054002 (2000)

Facility for studying spin dependence in pion production near threshold T. Rinckel, P. Thörngren--Engblom, H. O. Meyer, J.T. Balewski, J. Doskow, R.E. Pollock, B. v. Przewoski, F.Sperisen, W.W. Daehnick, R.W. Flammang, Swapan K. Saha, W. Haeberli, B. Lorentz, F. Rathmann, B. Schwartz, T. Wise, P.V. Pancella, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A439 (2000) 117

Measurement of Partial-Wave Contributions pp -> ppPi0 H.O. Meyer, J.T. Balewski, J. Doskow, R.E. Pollock, B. v. Przewoski, T. Rinckel, P. Thörngren--Engblom, A. Wellinghausen, W. Haeberli, B. Lorentz, F. Rathmann, B. Schwartz, T. Wise, W.W. Daehnick, Swapan K. Saha, P.V. Pancella, Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 5439 (1999)

Spin correlation coefficients in pp -> pnPi+ from 325 to 400 MeV Swapan K. Saha, W.W. Daehnick, R.W. Flammang, J.T. Balewski, H.O. Meyer, R.E. Pollock, B. v. Przewoski, T. Rinckel,P. Thörngren Engblom, B. Lorentz, F. Rathmann, B. Schwartz, T. Wise, P.V. Pancella Phys. Lett. B461, 175 (1999)

Dependence of pp -> pp pi0 near Threshold on the Spin of the Colliding Nucleons H.O. Meyer, J.T. Balewski, M. Dzemidzic, J. Doskow, R.E. Pollock, B. v. Przewoski, T. Rinckel, F. Sperisen, P. Thörngren Engblom, M. Wolanski Dept. of Physics and Cyclotron Facility , Indiana University W. Haeberli, B. Lorentz, F. Rathmann, B. Schwartz, T. Wise University of Wisconsin-Madison W.W. Daehnick, R.W. Flammang, Swapan K. Saha, D.J. Tedeschi University of Pittsburgh P.V. Pancella Western Michigan University Phys. Rev. Letters, 81, 3096 (1998)

Proton-proton analyzing power and spin correlation measurements between 250 and 450 MeV at 7 deg <= theta_cm <= 90 deg with an internal target in a storage ring B.v. Przewoski, F. Rathmann, W.A. Dezarn, J. Doskow, M. Dzemidzic, W. Haeberli, J.G. Hardie, B. Lorentz, H.O. Meyer, P.V. Pancella, R.E. Pollock, T. Rinckel, F.Sperisen and T. Wise, Phys. Rev. C58, 1897 (1998)

Polarization lifetime near an induced depolarizing resonance B.v.Przewoski, W. Daehnick, J. Doskow, M. Dzemidzic, R. Flammang, W. Haeberli, H.O. Meyer, P.V. Pancella, R.E. Pollock, P. Quin, T. Rinckel, S. Saha, B. Schwartz, F. Sperisen, P. Thörngren Engblom, P. Ugorowski and T. Wise, Review of Scientific Instruments 69, 3146 (1998)

Complete angular distribution measurements of pp spin correlation parameters Axx, Ayy and Axz and analyzing power Ay at 197.4 MeV F. Rathmann, B.v. Przewoski, W.A. Dezarn, J. Doskow, M. Dzemidzic, W. Haeberli, J.G. Hardie, B. Lorentz, H.O. Meyer, P.V. Pancella, R.E. Pollock, T. Rinckel, F. Sperisen and T. Wise, Phys. Rev. C58, 658 (1998).

Polarization Lifetime near an Intrinsic Depolarizing Resonance H.O. Meyer, B. Lorentz, M. Dzemidzic, J. Doskow, W. Haeberli, P.V. Pancella, R. E. Pollock, B.v. Przewoski, F. Rathmann, T. Rinckel, F. Sperisen and T. Wise, Phys. Rev. E56, 3578 (1997)

Diagonal Scaling and the Analysis of Polarization Experiments in Nuclear Physics H.O. Meyer, Phys. Rev. C 56, 2074 (1997)

Nuclear Physics with Light-Ion Storage Rings H.O. Meyer, Annu. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. (1997) 47:235-271

Calibration of the Polarization of a Beam of Arbitrary Energy in a Storage Ring R.E. Pollock, W.A. Dezarn, M. Dzemidzic, J. Doskow, J.G. Hardie, H.O. Meyer, B.v. Przewoski, T. Rinckel, F. Sperisen, W. Haeberli, B. Lorentz, F. Rathmann, T. Wise and P.V. Pancella, Phys. Rev. E55, 7606 (1997)

Proton-Proton Spin Correlation Measurement at 200 MeV with an Internal Target in a Storage Ring W. Haeberli, B. Lorentz, F. Rathmann, M. A. Ross, T. Wise, W. A. Dezarn, J. Doskow, J.G. Hardie, H.O. Meyer, R. E. Pollock, B.v. Przewoski, T. Rinckel, F. Sperisen and P.V. Pancella, Phys. Rev. C55, 597 (1997)

Polarized Internal Gas Target for Hydrogen and Deuterium at the IUCF Cooler Ring W.A. Dezarn, J. Doskow, J.G. Hardie, H.O. Meyer, R.E. Pollock, T. Rinckel, F. Sperisen, W. Haeberli, B. Lorentz, B.v. Przewoski, F. Rathmann, M.A. Ross, T. Wise and P.V. Pancella, Nucl. Instr. Meth. A362, 36 (1995)

Polarization Reversal of Stored Proton Beams in the Indiana Cooler B.v. Przewoski, W.A. Dezarn, J. Doskow, J.G. Hardie, H.O. Meyer, R.E. Pollock, T. Rinckel, F. Sperisen, W. Haeberli, B. Lorentz, F.Rathmann, T. Wise and P.V. Pancella, Rev. Sci. Instr. 67, 165 (1996)

Effect of a Polarized Hydrogen Target on the Polarization of a Stored Proton Beam H. O. Meyer, Phys. Rev. E50, 1485 (1994)

Performance of a Polarized-Hydrogen Storage Cell Target M.A. Ross, A.D. Roberts, T. Wise, W. Haeberli, W.A. Dezarn, J. Doskow, H.O. Meyer, R.E. Pollock, B.v. Przewoski, T. Rinckel, J. Sowinski, F. Sperisen, and P. Pancella, Nucl. Instr. Meth. A344, 307 (1994)

From NN->NNpi to Pion Production in Nuclei H.O. Meyer, Acta Physica Polonica B24, 1735 (1993)

Test of a Windowless Storage Cell Target in a Proton Storage Ring M.A. Ross, W.K. Pitts, W. Haeberli, H.O. Meyer, S.F. Pate, R.E. Pollock, B. v. Przewoski, T. Rinckel, J. Sowinski, F. Sperisen, and P. Pancella, Nucl. Instr. Meth. A326, 424 (1993).

Total cross section for p+p -> p+p+pi0 close to threshold H.O. Meyer, C. Horowitz, H. Nann, P.V. Pancella, S.F. Pate, R.E. Pollock, B.v. Przewoski, T. Rinckel, M.A. Ross and F. Sperisen, Nucl. Phys. A539 (1992) 633-661

Spin Dependence in pp Scattering in the Coubomb-Nuclear Interference Region W.K. Pitts, W. Haeberli, J.S. Price, H.O. Meyer, S. F. Pate, R.E. Pollock, B.v. Przewoski, T. Rinckel, J. Sowinski, F. Sperisen and P.V. Pancella, Phys. Rev. C45, R1 (1992).

Absolute Measurement of the p+p Analyzing Power at 183 MeV B. von Przewoski, H.O. Meyer, P.V. Pancella, S.F. Pate, R.E. Pollock, T. Rinkel, F. Sperisen and J. Sowinski, Phys. Rev. C44, 44 (1991).

Last modified: June 2004 by H.O. Meyer