The Center for Exploration of Energy and Matter (CEEM) is a multi-disciplinary laboratory performing research (experimental and theoretical) and development in the areas of accelerator physics, nuclear physics and chemistry, and materials research. Research experiences are available to high school through post-doctoral students. The facility is supported by Indiana University, state and federal grants, and user fees and contracts. The laboratory is staffed by highly trained scientific, technical, and administrative staff members and serves approximately 80 on-site graduate students, postdoctoral research fellows and physics faculty members. In addition, research and development activities are carried out by scientists and students from around the world.

A common element throughout the CEEM programs is the use of particle accelerators. The nuclear physics and chemistry programs are now carried out using accelerators at a number of national and international laboratories; however the local facility continues to operate several accelerators used in the other aspects of the program. The laboratory accelerator facilities are available for use by academic or commercial institutions.