
The Center for Exploration of Energy and Matter (CEEM) is a multidisciplinary laboratory performing research and development in the areas of accelerator physics, nuclear physics and chemistry, and materials science. Because excellence in academic research is pivotal to CEEM, educational experiences are available to high school through post-doctoral students.

The laboratory is staffed by highly trained scientific, technical, and administrative staff members and serves approximately 60 on-site graduate students, postdoctoral research fellows and physics faculty members. In addition, research and educational activities are available to young scientists and students from throughout the United States and around the world.

Undergraduate Students

Projects at CEEM are accessible to undergraduates through several programs. The largest number of opportunities is available through the Department of Physics at Indiana University. The Applied Physics Program and CEEM provide practical research experiences and internships. Each summer, faculty and staff at CEEM sponsor students enrolled in the Research Experience for Undergraduates.

Sample Gates at Bloomington campus.

Accelerator Physics

The Indiana University Department of Physics has partnered with the US Particle Accelerator School to develop a Master of Science in Beam Physics and Technology degree program.

Pre-college and Advance College programs

Opportunities are also available through the College of Arts and Sciences Pre-college Institute and the Advance College Project (ACP).

CEEM Faculty participate in the Science Olympiad, a yearly competition for high school students who like to do projects and meet challenges in all areas of science and technology.

Mini University

CEEM often offers classes in conjunction with the IU Mini University. This offering is a delightful week of learning at an award-winning vacation college located at IU Bloomington. You need not be an IU graduate to attend - the Mini University is open to anyone interested in lifelong learning.

Research Experience for Undergraduates

Under the sponsorship of the National Science Foundation, CEEM offers the Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU). Applications are accepted early each calendar year. Accepted students will receive travel and living expenses as well as summer salary.

Outreach Activities

CEEM offers public tours free of charge at any time during normal working hours. Contact CEEM to arrange individual or group visits to the facility.