Nuclear Physics Seminars

Nuclear Physics Seminars

2024 Seminars

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Time & Location




March 22MESH NLCR at 4:00pmEclipse 2024 Workshop organizing meeting​Rex Tayloe
May 13Swain West 214Patrick Blackstone, IUDISSERTATION DEFENSEEmilie Passemar
June 28MESH NLCR at 4:00pmAnuruddha Rathnayake, University of VirginiaA measurement of the neutron magnetic form factor GMn at large momentum transfer using the Super Bigbite apparatus at Hall-A of JLabCaryn Palatchi
July 26MESH NLCR at 4:00pmElizabeth Mae Scott, Centre College of KentuckyDetection of Charged Particles with Thermal Kinetic Inductance DetectorsMike Snow
July 30MESH NLCR at 1:30pmCaleb Hughes, IUDISSERTATION DEFENSEMike Snow
August 5MESH NLCR at 9:00amKyle Steffen, IUDISSERTATION DEFENSEMike Snow
August 28SW 214 at 4:00pmKevin Quirion, IUDISSERTATION DEFENSEEmilie Passemar
Sept 27MESH NLCR at 4:00pmZilong Chang, IUTBDMike Snow

Past Seminars


Time & Location




January 20MESH NLCR at 4:00pmLantau Liu, Walter Pettus & Rex Tayloe, IUJoint CEEM/ISE Seminar: "Vehicle Autonomy and Intelligence at MESH" & "Neutrino Physics at CEEM/MESH"Scott Wissink
January 24SW 130 at 4:00pmJonghee Yoo, Seoul National UniversitySearching for invisible axion dark matter with an 18T magnet haloscope Rex Tayloe
January 25MESH NLCR at 10:00amJonathan Curole, IUDISSERTATION DEFENSEMike Snow
January 27MESH NLCR at 4:00pmJonghee Yoo, Seoul National UniversitySearching for Missing Mass Component of the Universe Dan Salvat
February 11SW 214 at 2:00pmNafis Fuad, IUCANDIDACY SEMINARWalter Pettus
March 3MESH NLCR at 4:00pmJacob Zettlemoyer, FermilabSBLND at FermilabRex Tayloe
March 12 - 19 | SPRING BREAK
April 7MESH NLCR: at 4:00pmWalter Pettus, IUFinal Results from the Majorana DemonstratorRex Tayloe
April 28MESH NLCR: at 4:00pmShengchao Li, Purdue UniversityXENONnTWalter Pettus
May 19MESH NLCR: at 2:00pmDoug Wong, IUDISSERTATION DEFENSEMike Snow
June 23SW 214 at 1:00pmBrendan Reed, IUDISSERTATION DEFENSEChuck Horowitz
July 21MESH NLCR: at 4:00pmXiaobin (Jeremy) Lu, UT-KnoxvilleNeutrino physics results from short-baseline PROSPECT experiment at HFIR reactorRex Tayloe
September 8MESH NLCR: at 4:00pmMaria Bondesson & Scott Wissink, IUJoint CEEM/ISE SeminarRex Tayloe
October 27MESH NLCR: at 3:30pmAPS Bridge Student VisitRex Tayloe
November 3MESH NLCR: at 4:00pmEclipse 24 Workshop MeetingRex Tayloe
December 8MESH NLCR: at 4:00pmJason Newby, ORNL Physics DivisionThe Neutrino Laboratory at the Spallation Neutron SourceDan Salvat
December 12MESH NLCR: at 1:00pmLara Blokland, IUCANDIDACY SEMINARDan Salvat





FEBRUARY 4Jaume Tarrús Castellà“Exotic Quarkonia in Effective field theory”Emilie Passemar
FEBRUARY 11Scott Kravitz, Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryCrystaLiZe: A Solid Future for LZWalter Pettus
APRIL 22Andrea Pocar, UMass AmherstThe Borexino Closing ActWalter Pettus
APRIL 29Stephanie Lyons, PNNLNuclear AstrophysicsWalter Pettus
MAY 20Tim Gorringe, KentuckyPrecision measurements of rare pion decays in the Pioneer experimentDaniel Salvat
MAY 27Julieta Gruszko, University of NCShedding 'Nu' Light on the Nature of MatterWalter Pettus
JUNE 17Aobo Li, UNC Chapel HillToward Next-generation Artificial Intelligence for Neutrino ExperimentsWalter Pettus
JULY 8Shuzhe Shi, Stony Brook UniversitySolving inverse problems via Deep-Learning: Schroedinger equations, nuclear matter EoS, and moreJinfeng Liao
JULY 18James Johnstone, CEEMDOCTORAL DISSERTATION DEFENSE The Influence of Shell Structure on Near-Barrier Fusion of Neutron-Rich NucleiRomualdo deSouza
JULY 29Rohit Kumar, CEEMStudent Seminar: Production of alpha clusters during fusionRex Tayloe
AUGUST 10Justin Shortino, CEEMDOCTORAL DISSERTATION DEFENSENovel Laboratory Searches for Spin-Dependent T-Odd Interactions Using Polarized Gas MagnetometersMike Snow
AUGUST 10Sebastian Dawid, CEEMDOCTORAL DISSERTATION DEFENSE Three-body scattering in the B-matrix formalismAdam Szczepaniak
AUGUST 12Martin Fertl, JGU MainzFermilab Muon g-2 ExperimentWalter Pettus
AUGUST 19Kavish Imam, University of Tennessee KnoxvilleMeasurement of Neutron Polarization and Transmission for the nEDM@SNS ExperimentMike Snow
SEPTEMBER 2Vladimir Khachatryan, Indiana UniversityScaling properties of exclusive vector meson production cross section from gluon saturation at the EIC kinematicsRyan Mitchell
SEPTEMBER 23Scott Wissink, Mike Snow, Martin Swany, Alexander GumennikResearch efforts at MESH by CEEM & ISERex Tayloe
OCTOBER 20Anna Reine, University of North Carolina Chapel HillModeling Backgrounds in the MAJORANA DEMONSTRATORWalter Pettus
NOVEMBER 4Jason Stalnaker, Oberlin CollegeSearching for Ultralight Dark Matter Using Magnetometer NetworksMike Snow
DECEMBER 8Ekaterina Kozlova, National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”. Moscow, RussiaScintillation and ionization signals in noble element detectorsRex Tayloe





April 23Ben Loer, PNNLThe Impact of Ionizing Radiation on Superconducting Qubits
June 4Brent Graner, University of WashingtonPrecision Nuclear Physics with Microwaves: the He6CRES experiment
August 20C. Jeff Martoff, Temple University"New Particle Search on a [Large] Tabletop"Walter Pettus
August 27Libertad Barron Palos, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM)“Recent experimental results on Hadronic Parity Violation"Mike Snow
Thursday Sept 2,
11 am, South Large Con. Room
Nancy Aggarwal, Northwestern University"Precision measurements aiding gravitational waves and dark matter research"Inbum Lee
September 24Will Thompson, Yale University"Testing DAMA's Claim of Dark Matter Discovery with COSINE-100"Walter Pettus
October 29Dan Pershey, Duke UniversityRecent Results from the COHERENT neutrino experimentRex Tayloe
November 5Ralph Massarczyk, Los Alamos National Lab"Results from the BEST sterile neutrino oscillation experiment"Walter Pettus
November 12Field Rogers, Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyWalter Pettus





Monday, January 13, 4:00 pm SW130Daniel Salvat, IU CEEMJOINT HEP/NUCLEAR PHYSICS SEMINAR "First detection of coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering on argon"Rex Tayloe
April 24Jacob Zettlemoyer, IU CEEMDoctoral defense via ZOOM “First Detection of Coherent Elastic Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering on an Argon Target"Rex Tayloe





January 18Matthew E. Caplan, McGill University"Future Directions in Astromaterial Science"Chuck Horowitz
Thursday, January 31, SLCR 12:30 pmChristopher Swank, Caltech"Particle Physics with Ultracold Neutrons"Chen-Yu Liu
Thursday, January 31, SLCR 2:00 pmMarco Locatelli, CAEN Technologies Inc."Latest Advancements in Digital Pulse Processing for Nuclear Physics"Rex Tayloe
Thursday, April 25, SLCR, 12:30 pmAndrew Jackura, CEEMDOCTORAL DISSERTATION DEFENSE: "Studies in Multiparticle Scattering Theory"Adam Szczepaniak
Thursday, April 25, NLCR, 2:00 pmJianchun Yin, CEEMCANDIDACY SEMINAR: "Neutrino neutron scattering in supernovae in random phase approximation"Chuck Horowitz
April 26, NLCR, 1:00 pmMatthew Heath, CEEMDOCTORAL DISSERTATION DEFENSE: "A First Search for Coherent Elastic Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering with Liquid Argon"Rex Tayloe
April 13Ivan Tolstukhin, Matthew Heath, Zidu Lin and othersAPS Practice talks
April 20Sergi Gonzalez-Solis, Institute of Theoretical Physics, CAS, Beijing"η' -> ηππ decays in unitarized resonance chiral theory"Emilie Passemar
April 23Micah Groh, Indiana UniversityHIGH ENERGY PHYSICS SEMINAR Candidacy Seminar "NOvA Reconstruction and Deep Learning"
April 30Johnathon Jordan, University of MichiganHIGH ENERGY PHYSICS SEMINAR "First Measurement of Monoenergetic Neutrino Charged Current Interactions"Jon Urheim
Thursday, May 23, NLCR, 2:00 pmAvraham Gal, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem"The Pion-nucleon Sigma Term from Pionic Atoms"Tim Londergan
August 1, SW214, 2:00 pmTomas Husek, CERN"Radiative corrections and form factors in Dalitz decays of π°, η(') and Σ°"Emilie Passemar
August 9Shuzhe Shi, McGill University"Deciphering jet-medium interaction in heavy-ion collisions"Jinfeng Liao
September 13Jonghee Yoo, KAIST"Dark Matter Axion Search using 18T High Tc Superconducting Magnet"Rex Tayloe
September 20Jason Bane, University of Tennessee"The EMC Effect for the A=3 Mirror Nuclei"Rex Tayloe
October 11Dustin Keller, Jefferson National Lab"The SpinQuest Experiment at Fermilab"Mike Snow
October 18Maximilian Hughes, Michigan State University"Precision Measurements of 20F Beta Decay"Rex Tayloe
November 1Wangpeng Tan, University of Notre Dame"Neutron lifetime anomaly and consistent origin of dark matter and baryon asymmetry"Chen-Yu Liu





Thursday, February 1, 4:00 pmAlan McIntosh, Texas A&M Cyclotron Institute"Equilibration Chronometry: Resolving Neutron-Proton Equilibration with Sub-Zeptosecond Time Resolution"Romualdo de Souza
Monday, February 19Fernanda Psihas, Indiana UniversityHIGH ENERGY PHYSICS SEMINAR Doctoral Defense "Measurement of Long Baseline Neutrino Oscillations and Improvements from Deep Learning"
Monday, March 26Todd Pedlar, Luther CollegeHIGH ENERGY PHYSICS SEMINAR "Spectroscopy of Bottomonium and Related States at Belle and Belle II"Matt Shepherd
March 30Minerba Betancourt, Fermilab"Latest results of Quasi-Elastic Scattering from the MINERvA experiment"Rex Tayloe
Monday, April 2Teresa Lackey, Indiana UniversityHIGH ENERGY PHYSICS SEMINAR Candidacy Seminar "The NOvA Test Beam Program"
April 6Daniel Salvat, University of Washington"MuSun: Precision muon capture on the deuteron"Chen-Yu Liu
Monday, April 9Keri Vos, University of SiegenHIGH ENERGY PHYSICS SEMINAR "CP Violation in three-body B meson decays"Emilie Passemar
April 20Sergi Gonzalez-Solis, Institute of Theoretical Physics, CAS, Beijing"η' -> ηππ decays in unitarized resonance chiral theory"Emilie Passemar
Monday, April 23Micah Groh, Indiana UniversityHIGH ENERGY PHYSICS SEMINAR Candidacy Seminar "NOvA Reconstruction and Deep Learning"
April 30Johnathon Jordan, University of MichiganHIGH ENERGY PHYSICS SEMINAR "First Measurement of Monoenergetic Neutrino Charged Current Interactions"Jon Urheim
Thursday, May 31, 3:30 pmGwen Gilardy, Notre Dame University"Measurement of 7li(a,g)11B cross section at Notre Dame"Romualdo de Souza
Friday, June 22, 1:00 pmPrawal Mohanmurthy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology"NStar: Searching for Mirror Neutron-Neutron Oscillations"Chen-Yu Liu
Thursday, July 12, 2:00 pmAvraham Gal, Hebrew University, Jerusalem"Structure and Width of the d*(2380) Dibaryon"Tim Londergan
Monday, July 23, 4:00 pmDaniel Moser, Stefan Meyer Institute for Subatomic Physics, Vienna"Austrian Contributions to Neutron Beta Decay Experiments"Emilie Passemar
Tuesday, July 24, 4:00 pmAustin Reid, North Carolina State University"Origami Folded Cryogenic Actuators and Metamaterials"Chen-Yu Liu
Wednesday, July 25, 4:00 pmRobert Cooper, New Mexico State University"A Sterile Neutrino Search with the CAPTAIN-Mills Detector at the Lios Alamos Neutron Science Center"Mike Snow
Wednesday, August 8, 4:00 pmPinghan Chu, Los Alamos National Lab"Search for Axions"Chen-Yu Liu
September 17. MES Hall NLCRAustin Reid, Indiana University"Developing a hyperpolarized 3He source for a neutron electric dipole moment search"Mike Snow
October 1 SW214Rex Tayloe, Indiana University "Latest results on neutrino oscillations from MiniBooNE"
October 8 MES Hall NLCRDave Hancock and Robert Ping, Advanced Cyberinfrastructure, UITS Research Technologies"Cyberinfrastructure for research and advanced computing"Rex Tayloe
October 15, SW214Dmitri Denisov, Fermilab"Particles Colliders: Past, Present and Future"
POSTPONED October 22, SW214**POSTPONED** Jen Raaf, Fermilab"High Pressure Gas TPC for DUNE Near Detector"
October 29 SW214Yuzhi Liu, Indiana University"Lattice QCD calculations for form factors in Bs decay to K /nu"
November 5, SW214Colin Gleason, IU PhysicsGluex/tba
November 12, MES Hall NLCR 3:00 pmRekam Giri, Ohio University"Measurements of the 12C + α capture cross section and its importance in nucleosynthesis"Romualdo de Souza
November 12, SW214, 4:00 pmValery Nesvizhevsky, ILL, Grenoble"Gravitational Quantum States of Neutrons, Atoms and Antiatoms"Mike Snow
Thursday, November 15, 4:00 pm,Yi Chen, University of Washington"Axion-like dark matter detection with mercury-199 atoms"Chen-Yu Liu
November 26 SW214Erica Smith, Indiana University"Recent Results from NOvA"
Thursday, November 29, 4:00 pm, SW236Javier Virto, Massachusetts Institute of Technology"Non-local effects and Anomalies in B physics"Emilie Passemar
December 3 SW214Jack Jenkins, IU PhysicsCandidacy seminar: “Taming non-perturbative effects in rare B decays”Enrico Lunghi





February 6Tyler Thornton, CEEMDOCTORAL DISSERTATION DEFENSE "Dark Matter Search with the MiniBooNE detector"
February 27Seodong Shin, Yonsei UniversityHIGH ENERGY PHYSICS SEMINAR "Dark matter "collider" and a new mechanism for cosmic-ray excesses from non-minimal dark sector"
March 20Kevin Kelly, Northwestern UniversityHIGH ENERGY PHYSICS SEMINAR "New Physics Searches with DUNE and HyperK"
March 27Saori Pastore, Los Alamos National Laboratory
HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS SEMINAR "Many-body nuclear effects in neutrino-nucleus scattering"
April 3Chuck Horowitz, Indiana University, and Greg Huber, KITP, UC Santa BarbaraJOINT NUCLEAR PHYSICS/BIOPHYSICS SEMINAR "Nuclear pasta and parking-garage structures in nuclear astrophysics and cellular physics"Sima Setayeshgar
April 10Ramon Stucki, University of Bern"Dispersive relations for K_S → \gamma*\gamma"Emilie Passemar
April 17Ryan Mitchell, Indiana UniversityHIGH ENERGY PHYSICS SEMINAR "Quarks in China"
April 24Stefania Gori, Cincinnati UniversityHIGH ENERGY PHYSICS SEMINAR "Flavor perspective on heavy Higgs searches"
Tuesday, May 16Ho-Ung Yee, University of Illinois, ChicagoJOINT NUCLEAR PHYSICS/HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS SEMINAR "Physics of Quark-Gluon Plasma in Magnetic Field"Jinfeng Liao
July 20
Terence J. Tarnowsky, Los Alamos National Lab/Michigan State University"Study of High Density Nuclear Matter Using Fixed Target Collisions at RHIC"Scott Wissink
Wednesday, August 2Prajwal Mohanmurthy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology"CompExII: A Pathway in Search of BSM Physics using Compton Scattering"Mike Snow
October 2Zbigniew Was, Institute of Nuclear Physics, PAN, Krakow JOINT HIGH ENERGY/NUCLEAR PHYSICS SEMINAR "TAUOLA: Monte Carlo (of tau lepton decays), Belle-II and Maschine Learning Perspective"Emilie Passemar
Tuesday, October 3,
4:00 pm
Klaus Peters, GSI, Darmstadt"Studies of Hadron Structure and Dynamics with the PANDA experiment at FAIR"Matt Shepherd
Monday, October 23, 4:00 pmMartin Jung, TU MunichJOINT HIGH ENERGY/NUCLEAR PHYSICS SEMINAR "Bounds in new physics from electric dipole moments"Emilie Passemar





Monday, January 18, NLCR, 4:00 pmHuanzhao Liu, Southern Methodist University"A precise measurement of the top quark mass in dilepton final states using 9.7fb-1 of D) Run II data"Scott Wissink
Thursday, February 18, 12:30 pm, SLCRLarry Weinstein, Old Dominion University"The Nucleons Go Two By Two: Correlations, The EMC Effect, and Neutrino Interactions"Rex Tayloe
February 26Suzanne Lapi, University of Alabama, Birmingham"From Isotopes to Images: Accelerator Production of Radionuclides for Nuclear Medicine"Matt Shepherd
April 8Tim Gorringe, University of Kentucky "The muon g-2 experiment at Fermilab"Chen-Yu Liu
April 22Alexei Bazavov, IU Physics "The QCD Equation of State"Jinfeng Liao
Friday, May 27, SLCR, 2:00 pmLance Garrison, National Nuclear Security Administration"The National Nuclear Security Administration Graduate Fellowship Program and the Office of Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation Research and Development"Rex Tayloe
Wednesday, June 15, NLCR, 4:00 pmJoshua AlbertSUMMER STUDENT SERIES "Particles and Matter"
Wednesday, June 22, NLCR, 4:00 pmRobert Cooper
Wednesday, June 29, NLCR, 4:00 pmMike SnowSUMMER STUDENT SERIES "Cryogenics"
Wednesday, July 13, NLCR, 4:00 pmIvan TolstukhinSUMMER STUDENT SERIES "Photodetectors"
Wednesday, July 27, NLCR, 4:00 pmMatt Heath and John VanderwerpSUMMER STUDENT SERIES "Vacuum Technology"
September 2Anne Schukraft, Fermilab"First results from MicroBooNE"Rex Tayloe
September 16Erick Smith, IU CEEM"Laboratory Searches for Exotic Spin-Dependent Monopole-Dipole Interactions of Nucleons Using Polarized Noble Gas Ensembles"Rex Tayloe
Monday, October 3, 4:00 pmAlex Radovic, The College of William and MaryHEP/ASTRO SEMINAR "Deep Learning and Event Classification in NOvA"Jon Urheim
Thursday, October 6, 2:30 pmYinghui Guan, IU/KEK, Japan"Observation of transverse polarization of Lambda/anti-Lambda in e+e- annihilation at Belle and the K-Long muon (KLM) system of Belle-II detector"Anselm Vossen
Monday, October 24, 4:00 pmDan Marley, University of MichiganHEP/ASTRO SEMINAR "Search for Boosted Objects at ATLAS"
Monday, October 31, 4:00 pmMark Messier, IU PhysicsHEP/ASTRO SEMINAR "New Results from NOvA"
Tuesday, November 1, 4:00 pmPinghan Chu, Los Alamos National Lab"Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay and Majorana Demonstrator Experiment"Rex Tayloe
November 4Jonghee Yoo, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) "Dark Matter Axion Search"Rex Tayloe
Monday, November 7, 4:00 pmAdam Martin, Notre Dame UniversityHEP/ASTRO SEMINAR "Dark matter at high nuclear recoil"
November 11Jacob Zettlemoyer, CEEM"Studying Coherent Elastic Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering in Liquid Argon at the SNS"Rex Tayloe
Monday, November 14, 4:00 pmBruce Howard, Indiana UniversityHEP/ASTRO SEMINAR "Development of the Photon Detection System for DUNE"
December 2Sheakha Aldaihan, CEEM
"Limits on New Long-Range Spin-Dependent Interactions from Spin-Independent Data"
Rex Tayloe
Monday, December 5, 4:00 pmTomas Husek, Charles University, PragueHEP/ASTRO SEMINAR "Electromagnetic transition form factor and radiative corrections in decays of neutral pions"Emilie Passemar
Monday, December 12, 4:00 pmCallum Wilkinson, University of BernHEP/ASTRO SEMINAR "Constraining the T2K Cross Section Model"





January 16Fuqiang Wang, Purdue University"Must large anisotropic flow mean strongly interacting quark-gluon plasma?"Jinfeng Liao
Wednesday, January 28, SLCR 12:30 pmXu-guang Huang, Fudan UniversityNUCLEAR THEORY SEMINAR "Some progresses in electromagnetic fields and anomalous transports in heavy-ion collisions"Jinfeng Liao
Monday, February 16, 4:00 pmMichael Lisa, The Ohio State University"The RHIC Beam Energy Scan: a Condensed Matter approach to QCD"Scott Wissink
February 27William Briscoe, George Washington University"The MUSE experiment at PSI"Mike Snow
Wednesday, March 11, SLCR, 12:30 pmJiechen Xu, Columbia UniversityNUCLEAR THEORY SEMINAR
“Anisotropic jet quenching in semi-quark-gluon plasmas with magnetic monopoles”
Jinfeng Liao
Monday, June 22, 3:30 pmLi Caldeira Balkestahl, Uppsala University"Measurement of the eta -> pi+ pi- pi0 Dalitz plot distribution at KLOE"Mike Snow
November 13Maxime Brodeur, Notre Dame University"Precision beta-decay measurements to test the Standard Model"Chen-Yu Liu
December 4Nicholas Walsh, UC Davis
"A Measurement of the Ar(n,p)Cl Cross-Section Below 50 MeV"
Rex Tayloe
Monday, December 7, SW238, 4:00 pmBenjamin Rybolt, University of TennesseeJOINT HIGH ENERGY/NUCLEAR PHYSICS SEMINAR "State of the art neutrino detection with the Double Chooz detectors and possible practical applications"Rex Tayloe





Thursday, January 23, SLCR, 12:00 pmAndreas Windisch, Washington University, St. Louis NUCLEAR THEORY SEMINAR "Marriage counseling for Cooper pairs: Condensation mechanisms in fermion systems with large flavor asymmetry"Jinfeng Liao
January 24Farrooh Fattoyev, Texas A & M University-Commerce"Nuclear Symmetry Energy and Neutron Stars"Chuck Horowitz
January 31Mark Alford, Washington University, St. Louis "Quark matter in neutron stars"Chuck Horowitz
February 7, SLCR, 12:30 pmYi Yin, University of Illinois, ChicagoNUCLEAR THEORY SEMINAR "Exploring the Properties of Quark Gluon Plasma with Realistic Hydrodynamic Evolution of Heavy-ion Collisions"Jinfeng Liao
Thursday, February 20, SLCR, 12:00 pmChristian Ott, CaltechNUCLEAR THEORY SEMINAR "Status of advanced LIGO and/or numerical relativity"Chuck Horowitz
February 21Abebaw Tadesse, Langston University"Applications of Ensemble Based Simulated Annealing to Three Dimensional Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy Planning"Susan Klein
March 7, SLCR, 12:30 pmSoeren Schlichting, Brookhaven National LabNUCLEAR THEORY SEMINAR "Turbulent thermalization process in high-energy heavy-ion collisions"Jinfeng Liao
April 25Nicole Fields, University of Chicago"CoSi: Coherent Neutrino Scattering with Cesium Iodide"Robert Cooper
June 27, SLCRNamita Goel, GSI Helmholtzzentrum“A novel technique to do position characterization of semiconductor detectors”Romualdo De Souza
September 5, 12:30 pm SLCRToru KojoNUCLEAR THEORY SEMINAR "The quark mass gap in strong magnetic fields"Jinfeng Liao
September 12Chris Hovde, Southwest Sciences Inc."All optical magnetometers for neutron EDM experiments"Mike Snow
October 31Marianna Safronova, University of Delaware"Anapole Moments and the Search for EDM"Mike Snow
November 14Oscar Naviliat-Cuncic, Michigan State University"Searches for exotic interactions in nuclear beta decay"Chen-Yu Liu
November 21, 12:30 pm, SLCRVeronica Dexheimer, Kent State UniversityNUCLEAR THEORY SEMINAR "The Role of Strangeness in Neutron Stars"Irina Sagert
November 21Tyler Thornton, CEEMCANDIDACY SEMINAR "Accelerator-Produced Dark Matter Search using MiniBooNE"Rex Tayloe
December 12, 12:30 PM, SLCRZi-Wei Lin, East Carolina UniversityNUCLEAR THEORY SEMINAR "Evolution of Flow and Effective Temperature from the AMPT Model"Jinfeng Liao





January 4, 10:30 am, SLCRDaavid Vaananen, IPN Orsay/APC Paris, FranceNUCLEAR THEORY SEMINAR: "Neutrino Propagation in Supernovae"Jinfeng Liao
Wednesday, January 9 12:00 pmPhillip Powell, University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignNUCLEAR THEORY SEMINAR: "An Effective Approach to the QCD Phase Diagram"Jinfeng Liao
January 25Vladimir Skokov, Brookhaven National LaboratoryNUCLEAR THEORY SEMINAR: "Azimuthal anisotropy of photon production in heavy-ion collisions"Jinfeng Liao
Monday, January 28, 10:30 am, SLCRIrina Sagert, Michigan State UniversityNUCLEAR THEORY SEMINAR: "Dense matter in neutron stars and core-collapse supernovae"Jinfeng Liao
February 1Nadia Fomin, Jefferson National Laboratory"Short-Range nuclear structure and the EMC effect: an unexpected connection"Mike Snow
February 15Lance Garrison, Jason Fry, and Brian Page, CEEMBrian Page: "Dijet Measurements at Forward Rapidity" Jason Fry: "Status and updates of the NPDGamma experiment" Lance Garrison: "Status of an Underground Neutron Measurement with the SciBath Detector"
Wednesday, March 6, 8:30 am - 3:30 pmSymposium in Honor of Brian SerotGuest speakers: Tim Londergan, George Walker, Dick Furnstahl, Ray Bishop, Jorge Piekarewicz, Charles Horowitz, Jim Napolitano, Tetsuo Matsui, Hiroshi Uechi
March 8Kenneth Nollett, Ohio University "Few-body physics in the first few minutes: Physics of light nuclei in the big bang"Chen-Yu Liu
March 22Joseph A. Caggiano, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory"Emitted neutron spectrum from the T+T fusion reaction at the ICF facilities NIF and OMEGA: a week's worth of beam in 100 picoseconds"Andy Bacher
March 29Volker Oberacker, Vanderbilt University"Fusion of neutron-rich nuclei using a Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory with density constraint"Romualdo De Souza
April 5Joseph Grange, University of Florida"Neutrino and Anti-Neutrino Cross-Section Results from MiniBooNE"Rex Tayloe
April 12Robert Cooper, CEEM"Measurement of Background Neutrons for a Future Coherent Elastic Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering (CENNS) Experiments at Fermilab"
April 19Stephen Wlokka, Technische Universitat Munchen (FRM II) "The Ultra-Cold Neutron laboratory at the FRM II"Chen-Yu Liu
April 26Thomas Langford, University of Maryland"The UMD/NIST Fast Neutron Spectrometers"Lisa Kaufman
Wednesday, May 29,
2:30 pm
Eric Richardson,
University of Maryland
“The Reaction Plane Detector Upgrade at PHENIX”Romualdo De Souza
Thursday, May 30, 4:00 pmTerence Tarnowsky,
Michigan State University
“Recent Results of Fluctuation and Correlation Studies from the QCD Critical Point Search at RHIC”Scott Wissink
May 31,
11:00 am, SLCR
George Noid, Michigan State University“A proposed instrument to characterize the Weak Interaction through mirror transitions”Romualdo De Souza
May 31Jeffrey Carvell, IUPUI“Induced Magnetoelectric Coupling at a Ferroelectric/Ferromagnetic Interface”Josh Long
August 30, SW238Yun-Tse Tsai, University of RochesterHIGH ENERGY PHYSICS SEMINAR: "Truth and beauty together: evidence for s-channel single top production"Jon Urheim
November 8Ranjan Dharmapalan, University of Alabama"Neutral Current Elastic Scattering at MiniBooNE: Past, Present and Future"Rex Tayloe
November 15Abhijit Majumder, Wayne State University"Full jet modification and a more detailed look at transport coefficients of the Quark Gluon Plasma"Jinfeng Liao
December 6Sean Daugherty, CEEMPhD Candidacy Seminar: "Neutron-induced Backgrounds for Double Beta Decay in Xe136"Lisa Kaufman





January 20Felipe Llanes-Estrada, Univ. Complutense, Madrid"Three heterodox thoughts about the structure of matter on a neutron star"Adam Szczepaniak
January 27Michael Skoby,
Purdue University
"Long-range Multiplicity Correlations for Identified Particles at STAR"Scott Wissink
February 3Seema Dhamija,
Indiana University -CEEM
"Gluon Polarization Measurements at STAR"
February 10Wally Melnitchouk,
Jefferson National Lab
"New parton distributions from high-x data: implications for JLab to the LHC"Tim Londergan
February 17Eric Tardiff,
"The Radon EDM Experiment at TRIUMF: Searching for New Sources of CP Violation"Robert Cooper
February 24T.William Donnelly,
"Scaling and Scaling Violations in Electron Scattering and Neutrino Reactions with Nuclei"Rex Tayloe
March 3Raju Venugopalan,
Brookhaven National Lab
"Ridges as bridges to understanding multi-particle production in high energy QCD"Jinfeng Liao
March 9Zhangbu Xu,
Brookhaven National Lab
"Prepare STAR as an EIC detector"Anselm Vossen
March 23Douglas Wells,
Idaho State University
"Photonuclear Isotope Production with Electron Linacs"Rex Tayloe
March 30Kevin Hickerson,
"Searching for Fierz Interference in the Beta Decay Spectrum of Ultracold Neutrons"Chen-Yu Liu
April 6Rafael Lang,
Purdue University
"Dark Matter and Experiments to Search it"Lisa Kaufman
April 13Volker Koch,
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
"Exploring the Phase Diagram of QCD"Jinfeng Liao
April 27Jong Hee Yoo,
Fermi National Lab
"Dark Matter and Neutrinos"Rex Tayloe
August 24Chueng-Ryong Ji, North Carolina State University“Kinematic Issues of DVCS and GPDs”Adam Szczepaniak
September 14Duane Smalley, Colorado School of Mines"Transfer Reaction Studies Using6He on 12C"Romualdo De Souza
September 21Wei Xie, Purdue University "The Results and Future Perspectives of STAR Heavy Flavor Physics Program"Jinfeng Liao
September 28Sean Macmullin, University of North Carolina "Elastic and inelastic neutron scattering as backgrounds for dark matter and neutrinoless double-beta decay experiments"Lisa Kaufman
October 5Matthias Grosse Perdekamp, University of Illinois - UC"Studying Proton Structure using High Energy Muon- and Hadron- Beams and the Upgraded COMPASS Spectrometer at CERN"Anselm Vossen
November 2Ryan Mitchell, Indiana University"Opportunities in Quarkonium Spectroscopy"Anselm Vossen
November 9Matthew Dietrich, Argonne National Lab"Radium and Fundamental Symmetries"Lisa Kaufman
November 30Andrew Yue, NIST"Prospects for beam-type measurements of the neutron lifetime"Robert Cooper





January 28Robert L. Cooper
Sandia National Laboratory
"Status of the Neutron Radiative Decay Experiment"Rex Tayloe
February 11J. Timothy Londergan
Indiana University -CEEM

"Reassessment of the NuTeV Experiment"
Chen-Yu Liu
February 18Pinghan Chu,
University of Illinois – UC
"The Neutron EDM and the Dressed Spin"Chen-Yu Liu
February 25Andrew Geraci,
University of Nevada
"Short-range force detection with optically-levitated microspheres"Josh Long
March 4Andrea Pocar,
University of Massachusetts
"Borexino: a low energy neutrino telescope to probe the inner workings of the sun, the stars and the earth"Lisa Kaufman
March 11Muhammad Elnimr,
Wayne State University
"Dihadron Fragmentation Functions in p+p collisions at center of mass energy 200 GeV at STAR"Scott Wissink
April 15Mei Bai,
Brookhaven National Laboratory
"Polarized protons at RHIC"Mike Snow
April 22Elke-Caroline Aschenauer. Brookhaven National Laboratory"The Structure of Matter: What the Electron Ion Collider will teach us"Anselm Vossen
April 29Dan Melconian,
Texas A & M University
"Probing symmetries of the weak interaction via the
β-decay of laser-cooled, polarized 37K”
Chen-Yu Liu
May 6Simonetta Liuti,
University of Virginia
JOINT NUCLEAR THEORY/NUCLEAR PHYSICS SEMINAR -"Locating spinning quarks and gluons inside the spinning nucleon"Adam Szczepaniak
September 9Changbo Fu,
Indiana University - CEEM
"Exploring Possible New Spin-Dependent Interactions by Using Polarized 3He Gas"
September 16Gordon L. Moake,
"The Role of Nuclear Science in the Oil Industry"Mike Snow
September 23Lee Sobotka,
Washington University - St Louis
"Multiple proton decays of 6Be, 8C, 8B(IAS) and excited states in 10C"Romualdo de Souza
October 14Amy B.R. Cooper,
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
"Project Searchlight: Streaked Radiography Experiments on the National Ignition Facility"Rex Tayloe
October 24Carter Hall,
University of Maryland
JOINT NUCLEAR PHYSICS/HEP SEMINAR: “Status of the LUX dark matter search at the Homestake mine"Lisa Kaufman
November 11Luis Mercado,
Jefferson National Laboratory
"Probing Nuclear and Nucleon Structure via Parity Violating Electron Scattering"Rex Tayloe
November 18Jerrad Martin, Washington University"Pixelated CZT for a Large-Scale COBRA Experiment"Lisa Kaufman
December 1Ulrich Heinz,
Ohio State University
“‘Perfect fluidity’ - The quark-gluon plasma shear viscosity at RHIC and LHC”Jinfeng Liao
December 2Thomas J. Whitaker,
Kennestone Hospital
"A full spectrum of radiation therapy"Hans-Otto Meyer
December 8Alessandro Buzzatti,
Columbia University
NUCLEAR THEORY SEMINAR: "Jet Flavor Tomography at RHIC and LHC"Jinfeng Liao
December 9Lixin Chen,
Texas A & M University
"Probing fundamental physics with precision superallowed beta-decay experiments"Mike Snow





January 22Seema Dhamija,
Florida International University
"Measurement of beam-helicity dependent asymmetries for kaon electroproduction"Scott Wissink
February 4Zach Medin,
McGill University
NUCLEAR THEORY SEMINAR: "The Ocean-Crust Boundary of Accreting Neutron Stars"Chuck Horowitz
February 26Brian Tiburzi,
University of Maryland
"Electromagnetic Polarizabilities from Lattice QCD"Adam Szczepaniak
March 5Rishi Sharma,
Los Alamos National Lab
"Many body effects in neutron star crusts and connection with observables"Chuck Horowitz
March 12Ekaterina Korobkina,
North Carolina State University
"PUSTAR UCN source"Chen-Yu Liu
March 26Rex Tayloe, CEEM"Measuring Neutrino Scattering in MiniBooNE"
April 2Matt Braby,
North Carolina State University
"Transport theory in strongly interacting systems"Chuck Horowitz
April 9Steve Vigdor,
Brookhaven National Lab
"Future Spin Physics at RHIC"Will Jacobs
April 30Christopher Bass,
"Development of a fast neutron spectrometer based on lithium-loaded liquid scintillator"Mike Snow
June 4Andrey I. Chugunov,
Ioffe Institute, Russia
"Strongly coupled Coulomb plasmas in astrophysical objects"Chuck Horowitz
June 11Steve Linden,
Yale University
"Measuring neutrino-induced pion production in MiniBooNE"Rex Tayloe
June 18Andrew Steiner,
Michigan State University
"Determining the Properties of Nucleonic Matter, the Equation of State, and the Masses and Radii of Neutron Stars from Observations"Chuck Horowitz
June 24Kazimierz Bodek,
Jagiellonian University
"R-correlation in neutron decay - recent news and perspectives"Mike Snow
June 25Changbo Fu,
"Limits on Axionlike Spin Couplings from the Relaxation Time of Polarized Gas"Mike Snow
September 24Juan I. Collar,
University of Chicago
"Dark Matter searches: an update on COUPP and CoGeNT"Chen-Yu Liu
October 8Douglas Higinbotham,
Jefferson National Lab
"Short Range Correlations and the EMC Effect"Rex Tayloe
October 15Wolfgang Korsch,
University of Kentucky
tbaChen-Yu Liu
November 19Jodi Cooley,
Southern Methodist University
"In Pursuit of Dark Matter: Status and Prospects for the SuperCDMS Experiment"Lisa Kaufman
December 3Jim Musser,
Indiana University - Physics
"Measuring the UHE Cosmic Ray Electron spectrum with CREST"Chen-Yu Liu
December 10Kangfei Gan,
George Washington University
"Measuring parity-violating spin rotation of transversely polarized cold neutrons through a liquid 4He target"Rex Tayloe





January 16Anthony Thomas,
Jefferson National Laboratory
"Resolution of the Proton Spin Crisis"Chen-Yu Liu
January 23William Michael Snow,
"Neutron Spin Rotation in Liquid Helium-4"
February 6Hide-Kazu Tanaka,
Columbia University
"The SciBooNE Neutrino Experiment at Fermilab"Rex Tayloe
February 20Baha Balantekin,
University of Wisconsin
JOINT NTC/NUCLEAR PHYSICS SEMINAR: "Neutrinos: Ghostly Messengers of Earth and Heavens"Chuck Horowitz
March 27Adam Holley,
North Carolina State University
"Ultra-cold Neutrons in Precision Measurements"Chen-Yu Liu
April 3Christopher Lavelle,
"Results from Ultra-cold Neutron Experiments at Los Alamos: Apparatus Calibration with Ortho-Deuterium"
April 7Svyatoslav Tkachenko,
Jefferson National Laboratory
"Neutron structure functions measured with spectator tagging"
April 10Vladimir Gudkov,
University of South Carolina
"Fundamental Neutron Physics"Chen-Yu Liu
April 16
Michael Wiescher,
Notre Dame University
JOINT NUCLEAR THEORY/ NUCLEAR PHYSICS SEMINAR: “Nuclear Processes in the Crust of Neutron Stars”Sylvie Hudan
April 17Barry Holstein,
University of Massachusetts
JOINT NUCLEAR PHYSICS/ NUCLEAR THEORY SEMINAR: “Why Didn’t I Think of That?”Adam Szczepaniak
April 24Alex Komives,
DePauw University
“An Experiment for Measuring the Electron-Antineutrino Correlation in Neutron Beta Decay”Chen-Yu Liu
April 27
Timothy Daniels,
University of North Carolina
“Spin-Correlation Coefficients and Phase-Shift Analysis for p+3He Elastic Scattering”Scott Wissink
May 1Yingchuan Li,
University of Wisconsin
“Electroweak Baryogenesis and Electric Dipole Moments in MSSM”Chen-Yu Liu
June 26Denis Peravalov,
University of Alabama
“Neutrino-Nucleus Neutral Current Elastic Interactions in MiniBooNE”Scott Wissink
September 11Christopher Crawford,
University of Kentucky
“The n-3He Parity Violation Experiment”Mike Snow
October 2Paul Reimer,
Argonne National Laboratory
“How the Proton Got its Sea”Chen-Yu Liu
October 23Bruce Vogelaaar,
Virginia Tech
“The Solar Neutrino Spectrum”Chen-Yu Liu
November 6Chris Polly,
“Precision precession: how the history of g-2 would its way into Fermilab’s future”Rex Tayloe
November 20Michael Gericke,
University of Manitoba
“The Qweak Experiment: a search for physics beyond the Standard Model via a measurement of the proton’s weak charge”Chen-Yu Liu
December 4Brad Plaster,
University of Kentucky
"Status of the UCNA Experiment: Measurement of the Neutron Beta-Asymmetry with Ultracold Neutrons"Chen-Yu Liu
December 8Hikmat Bc,
New Mexico State University
“Angular Momentum Decomposition of Nucleon”Rex Tayloe
Thursday, December 9Nicola Farina,
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Rome

JOINT NUCLEAR PHYSICS/NUCLER THEORY SEMINAR: “Modeling the electroweak nuclear response”
Rex Tayloe
December 11Karsten Haager,
University of Wisconsin-Madison
“Precision Measurements of Neutrino Oscillation with Reactor Neutrinos”Chen-Yu Liu





January 11James Dunlop,
Brookhaven National Laboratory
“STAR at RHIC: Past, Present and Future”Jim Sowinski
February 15Tim Gorringe,
University of Kentucky
“MuLan: a precision measurement of the muon lifetime and determination of the Fermi constant”Rex Tayloe
February 25
Cynthia Keppel,
Hampton University
"Quark-Hadron Duality"
February 26
Cynthia Keppel,
Hampton University
"Medical Applications of Nuclear Physics"
Tuesday, March 18Tim Hallman,
Brookhaven National Laboratory
"The Discovery of a New State of Matter at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider"
March 19
Tim Hallman,
Brookhaven National Laboratory
“New Answers Lead to New Questions at RHIC”
March 21Elena Guardincerri,
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
“The Search for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay with CUORICINO, and Perspectives for CUORE”Rex Tayloe
March 28Richard Freeman,
Ohio State University
“Particle emission with laser pulses”Hans-Otto Meyer
April 4Ted Barnes,
ORNL/University of Tennessee
“Chaos, confusion and craziness: Recent developments in charmed meson physics”
Adam Szczepaniak
April 11Hans-Otto Meyer,
“Photomultiplier Operation at Cryogenic Temperature"
April 14
B. Gino Fallone,
University of Alberta
"Development of a real-time MR guided radiotherapy device"
April 15
B. Gino Fallone,
University of Alberta
"Image-guided adaptive Radiotherapy (IGAR ) & Beyond"
April 25Alexander Laptev,
Tulane University
"Fundamental and applied neutron-nuclear physics research using a pulsed neutron facility"Ed Stephenson
September 12Chris Polly,
University of Illinois - UC

"Updates to the Low Energy Excess in MiniBooNE"
Rex Tayloe
September 19James Sowinski, IUCF"Zeroing in on the Gluon's Contribution to the Spin of the Proton"Rex Tayloe
September 26Hans-Otto Meyer, IUCF"PAX and the quest for polarized antiprotons"
October 10Josh Long, IUCF"Update on the nEDM experiment"
Tuesday, October 28Steve Vigdor,
Brookhaven National Laboratory
In honor of Will Jacobs: “Where There’s Will There’s a Way: Meeting Experimental Challenges from the Past and the Future”
October 31Ephraim Fischbach,
Purdue University
"Evidence for a Correlation between Nuclear Decay Rates and Solar Activity: New Evidence for New Long-range Forces?"Josh Long
November 7Sylvie Hudan, IUCF"Proximity Decay of Nuclei"
November 14Charles Horowitz, Nuclear Theory Center“The Lead Radius Experiment”





January 19Vic Viola, IUCFISiSRex Tayloe
February 8
Hirohiko Shimizu, KEK, JapanJOINT NP/LENS SEMINAR: "Neutron Optics in Japan and their Application to Fundamental Physics"Mike Snow
February 16Wei Wang, Boston University"Studies of Non-Standard Effects in Atmospheric Neutrino Oscillations"Rex Tayloe
February 23"Open Discussion on Future Science at IUCF"Rex Tayloe
March 2Jeffrey R. Guest,
Argonne National Lab
"Search for time-reversal violation with laser-trapped radium atoms"Chen-Yu Liu
March 9Jan Balewski, IUCF"Role of STAR Endcap in Measurement of Angular Momentum of Partons"Rex Tayloe
March 23Job Ubbink,
Nestle Research Centre,
JOINT NP/LENS/CMP SEMINAR: “Carbohydrates in Amorphous States: Molecular packing, nanostructure and interaction with water"Duncan Kilburn
March 30Seth Hoedl, University of Washington"A Torsion Pendulum based Axion Search"Chen-Yu Liu
April 6IUCF Forum: Nuclear PhysicsRex Tayloe
April 11
SW 238
Raymond Bishop, University of Manchester, UKJOINT LENS/CMP/NP SEMINAR: "Confronting the Quantum Many-Body Problem: An overview of the coupled-cluster method and its applications in physics"Gerardo Ortiz
April 13Albert Steyerl, University of Rhode Island"Neutron Lifetime"Chen-Yu Liu
April 20George Seidel, Brown University"Superfluid helium as a particle detector"Chen-Yu Liu
April 27Laura Cadonati, MIT"Exploring the Gravitational Wave Sky with LIGO"Chen-Yu Liu
May 18Steve Vigdor, IUCF"Informal Report on the Nuclear Physics Long Range Plan"
June 22Vladimir Anferov, IUCF"Fishing for data in the water tank or how to analyze the data arrays with arbitrary shape"Susan Klein
August 31Jim Musser, IUCF"IUCF Long Range Plan Discussion" plus Introductory TeaRex Tayloe
September 7Carter Hall,
University of Maryland
"Searching for double beta decay with the Enriched Xenon Observatory."Rex Tayloe
September 14Ilya Selyuzhenkov,
Wayne State University
"Probing the fundamental symmetries and search for novel phenomena in heavy ion collisions with azimuthal correlations"Scott Wissink
September 21Nu Xu,
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
"Partonic Equation of State at RHIC"Jim Sowinski
October 5Krishna Kumar,
University of Massachusetts
"Probing the TeV Scale with Parity-Violating Electron Scattering: New Opportunities with the Jefferson Laboratory 12 GeV Upgrade"Chuck Horowitz
November 2Mikayel Dabaghyan,
University of New Hampshire
"Measurement of Parity Violation in Cold Neutron Capture"Scott Wissink
November 30Peter Mueller,
Argonne National Lab
"Simple Atoms, Exotic Nuclei: Laser Spectroscopy of 6He and 8He"Chen-Yu Liu